ONEWAY Sober Living Home expansion drive is underway. Some major changes are taking place making way for a new DSD compliant organisation. The present residents are super blessed to be a part of this as they assist in activities to make this happen.
Expansion Project – POWER SESSIONS – New events – Scary truths on LOVE addiction – Addiction coaching
Breaking news
ONEWAY expansion drive
Trees are being uprooted, bricks moved, veggie gardens reestablished, but this is just the begining. We making major changes to our Oneway property to accommodate the vast need to expand. It’s exciting to be a part of this project that will largely impact our community. Thank you for all the financial help received so far. We are still hugely in need so if you are wanting to help financially you can use the SnapScan below or contact us on [email protected] for more info. We need lots of help to make this happen. We would love to have you onboard with this amazing project!!
Above: ONEWAY Sober Living Home SnapScan
10 Interesting facts on Henry: PSYCHOLOGIST
Volunteers at ONEWAY SOBER LIVING HOME Makes Music # RAPPER, youtube name STARAH https://ffm.bio/starah
Married with 2 sons – he is 1.8m tall Is the youngest of 7 children
Studied Psychology at UWC 2013
His studies brought him to SA in 2010 SA is his HOME 😊 WHOOP WHOOP!!
His favourite food is Egusi & Eba check Out the link here for the recipe:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAlgLVr4EQA (We googled this and found the best video tutorial for you. You should try this!!)
Thank you Henry! Your participation at Hope and Oneway has been so valuable!!
UPCOMING EVENTS: we look forward to
New events added to our program: RUNNING CLUB – We’re so excited about this!! Tues & Thurs training 8:30am, gets our guys healthy & fit using Dusty’s fitness program. His studies in fitness combats addiction by incorporating fitness into a Christ centered recovery program. On saturdays 8am, we run scenic routes at varioius locations. Great health, great scenery, good air and we get those endorphins LEVEL UP! Pic below was the Sea Point promonade. O66 398 8179(Dusty)
ONEWAY Links to look at:
Facebook –
Our website –
Our monthly Newsletter –
Many of us are into “wellness” – we exercise, eat organic, do Pilates, etc etc – however some are also downing a bottle of wine (aka poison) Taking diet pills, calming meds, steroids, and more, every day! What are we thinking! Now as we ditch the drinking and drugging, in an attempt to clean up, we get to have more time on our hands. Time to reevaluate our lives.
It’s Time to create a ‘Wellness Toolbox.’ …….Take a look below:
The Scary truths about Love Addiction – Typical signs of love addiction include: 😊Mistaking intense sexual experiences and new romantic
excitement for love 😊Constantly craving and searching for a romantic relationship
😊When in a relationship, being desperate to please and fearful of the other’s unhappiness 😊When not in a relationship, feeling desperate and alone
😊Inability to maintain an intimate relationship once the newness and excitement have worn off 😊Finding it unbearable or emotionally difficult to be alone😊When not in a relationship, compulsively using sex and fantasy to fill the loneliness 😊Choosing partners who are emotionally unavailable or verbally or physically abusive😊Choosing partners who demand a great deal of attention and caretaking but who do not meet, or even try to meet, your emotional or physical needs😊Participating in activities that don’t interest you or go against your personal values in order to keep or please a partner😊Giving up important interests, beliefs, or friendships to maximize time in the relationship or to please a romantic partner😊Using sex, seduction, and manipulation to hook or hold on to a partner😊Using sex or romantic intensity to tolerate difficult experiences or emotions😊Missing out on important family, career, or social experiences to search for a romantic or sexual relationship😊Using anonymous sex, porn, or compulsive masturbation to avoid needing someone, thereby avoiding all relationships😊Finding it difficult or impossible to leave unhealthy or abusive relationships despite repeated promises to oneself or others to do so😊Repeatedly returning to previously unmanageable or painful relationships despite promises to oneself or others to not do so.
Is this you? Do you see yourself doing these things? Do you need help? We can help!
The ADDICT needs:
ENCOMPASSING…and so much more!!!!
Getting clean is just the begining! After getting clean this is where we, ONEWAY Sober Living, come in, as a
Secondary Care facility dedicated to all of the above. It takes a lot more than Primary care to see the recovering addict walk the way to complete FREEDOM.
Get more information on what we do by contacting us. 072 286 2491/2 [email protected]
HOPE, kicked off Monday 25th July. It was an excellent turnout. Power pressed sessions gets everyone engaged & hopeful, tackling unique situations in this crazy addiction cycle. It’s proved to be good to share, answering questions as a structured panel, addrdessed by our community group. Everyone gets involved. We have had a positive response. A continuation of POWER SESSION 1 is on Monday 29th Aug. Later sessions are on the last Monday of every month. YOU ARE INVITED!!
Addiction Victorious – St Matthews Church, Jansens Road Table View News: Andrew De Kock who runs Addiction Victorius is professionally
coaching lives to a better way of sobriety.
33 years in the business. ONEWAY proudly acknowledges the work he does. Martin the founder of Oneway Sober Living has been under his mentorship for
9 ½ years now. Many have witnessed his dedication and ability to walk a solid journey of recovery with people attending his meetings. Should you require personal coaching or mentorship contact Andrew on https://www.alcoholdrugaddictionmentor.co.za