ONEWAY Sober Living Home Table View held a potjie competion on 21st May, resulting in a Red team win. The fun and games leading up to the winners announcement was Enjoyed by all.
ONEWAY celebrate team building in a healthy inhouse potjie comp.
New admission:
Welcome Terrence O’Shea
Resident & Assistant House Manager
Ronnie has proved over and over again consistent commitment to his recovery. Everything he does is centred on the Word of God and his influence and motivation is astounding regarding his house mates. This is why we see him as a leader. Mentoring those he lives with and those he helps in the support addiction recovery meetings, his discipleship is just what Ronnie does without trying! He is fun, talented & wise in so many ways. We are so grateful to have him with us.
We have had many questions regarding outpatient programs for those who are not able to go into a detox or rehabilitation program..
So here are some we have gathered together for you to investigate:
- 1st Step Addiction Treatment Outpatient program 0762092148
- Start to Stop Today Outpatient program 0834216688
- Life Matters Outpatient Treatment Rehabilitation 0827360470
- Step Away Outpatient Program 0764159131
- SANCA’S Outpatient Program 0219199558
Addiction Mentorship
Craig’s Addiction Practice offers a Mentorship program (NA Affiliated) Coaching for Recovery
Martin Anton Flor 0722862491
Tamzin Aimee Flor 0787408050
Kevin Eberhardt 0745871855
Tamzin is a strong integral part of ONEWAY Sober Living Home. A mother to 5, we can confidently say that raising a family is her passion. Her tough cookie vibe, motherly adoration is the core of who she is and this overflows onto the gents at ONEWAY. Other passions – church, dogs, hiking, painting, sewing, baking, hanging with her kids, sight seeing small remote places in and around Cape Town with Martin, reading, knitting, crocheting, decopaging, bees, art, gardening, self imporvement courses & rugby.
Tamzin is married to Martin and together they founded ONEWAY in Feb 2019. She holds the Ops managers position for the organisation. She is in her 2nd year studying Addiction Counselling.
Tamzin is largely invested in seeking out new up to date material to assist those in addiction & is constantly looking at ways to stretch herself to obtain a more benefical result from the those she helps.
10 Interesting facts:
Was a pastors kid AOG
Worked in the casino’s for 20 years
Travelled the world working on ships
Raises 5 kids
Is quite eccentric in many ways
Enjoys opera
Has 3 dogs, 8 cats, 5 fish
LOVES animals,
Went to 8 schools
Is currently in 2nd year of Addiction Counselling Diploma
FYI: Do you ever ask why you are here? Or what is your purpose?
Do you feel a gap in your heart that nothing can fill? Do you jump from one thing to the next looking for peace?
You may be seeking a true connection, one that only Jesus Christ can satisfy. By accepting the Lord as your Saviour, that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, surrendering to the one true God who can save you from a toubled life, this Sinners Prayer is the answer. Its simple, pray this prayer and start living your purpose through Christ
The Sinners Prayer
“Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Saviour and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
Consider these 3 questions:
- Do you crave non-stop?
- Do you continue to use it even with the consequences?
- Does your frequency and quantity keep increasing?
These are the common characteristics of an addict. Does your problem sound like an addiction?
Step 1: – Gods Purpose is PEACE & LIFE
Step 2: – The Problem is SEPERATION FROM GOD
Step 3: – Gods Bridge is THE CROSS
Step 4: – Our Response is to RECEIVE CHRIST
Here is how you can accept Christ into your life:
- Admit your need (I am a sinner)
- Be willing to turn from your sins (Repent)
- Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the grave (Be saved by faith)
Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to control your life through the Holy Spirit (Receive him as Lord and Saviour)
Expansion Drive:
R11 493 raised so far.
ONEWAY’S Expansion Drive fundraising remains one of our top focus points whilst we await approvals from the City Of Cape Town Municipality. In the meantime we are super eager to unravel new and exciting fundraisers over the next few months, highlighting the UN marking the 26th of June as International Drug Awareness day. We are facilitating an awareness WALK at 8:30am from Milnerton Light House to Eden on the Bay in support of those who are in addiction recovery, and those who donate their lives to helping addicts recover. Sponsored by DALA
If you’de like to donate towards ONEWAY, use the below snapScan
Above: ONEWAY Sober Living Home SnapScan
Addiction Victorious – St Matthews Church, Jansens Road Table View