ONEWAY Sober Living Home enjoyed a wonderful 2 days away at Theewaters Kloof Dam. We want to say a big thank you Ron Dunn & son Ronnie Dunn for gifting us this enormous privilege to have a special getaway connecting. It was a fantastic year end function.
New addmissions – New Sponsors Achievements – International drug awareness day 26th June ‘22’ watch this space.
We celebrate our achievements WELL DONE: To Tamzin Flor for completing her 2nd year in addiction counselling, Whoop, Whoop, 1 more year to go!!
WE WAVE GOODBYE to Kevin Eberhardt.
Kevin was House mng to Oneway for 3 years. His dedication & selfless acts of service to the organisation has come to an end as he moves into a new chapter in his life as a videographer/editor.
ONEWAY is super excited for him. We will miss his fun-loving, enthusiastic character dearly. Our prayers are with him while he works at making his dreams come true.
Christmas is here & WE LOOK FORWARD to the festive season calendar at ONEWAY:
Moonlight cold-water emmersion swims, Art
classes every Tues & Fri leading up to Christmas, Pool competions, Basketball, Soccer, Touch Rugby, Kick boxing, Surfing, Wave skiing, Christmas Experience Production @ VIEW Church, 2 Carols services one in Camps Bay as a Church Picnic, one at ONEWAY with accoustic guitar led by Chris Shortt-Smith, Hikes(Pipe Track & the Cat Walk), Games events, Potjie braai’s, Beach Braai’s…and more!
This contributes largely to the healing process of addiction recovery.
The name comes from a time when the rich used to box up gifts to give to the poor.
Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for servants – a day when they received a special Christmas box from their masters. The servants would also go home on Boxing Day to give Christmas boxes to their families.
The importance of understanding the birth of Jesus:
Jesus: Jesus came as a sacrifice for so we could escape our
corruption & reconnect with God. Why is his sacrifice so important? The Bible states:
For the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)
We are separated from God by our sins like a chasm separating two cliffs.
Religious Merit & Good Effort, useful as they may be, cannot bridge the separation between us & God.
Jesus is the Bridge that spans the chasm between God & mankind. Notice how this sacrifice of Jesus is given to us. It is offered as a sacrifice…
Jesus’ sacrifice is a gift that each of us must choose to receive. The Bible says that: Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:12)
Dear Lord Jesus. I understand that my sins separated me from God. Though I can try hard, no effort & sacrifice on my part will bridge this separation. But I understand that your death was a sacrifice to wash away all my sins. I believe that you rose from the dead after your sacrifice, so I know that your sacrifice was sufficient. I ask you to please cleanse me from my sins & bridge me to God so I can have eternal life. I do not want to live a life enslaved to sin, please free me from sin. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for doing all this for me & would you even now continue to guide me in my life so I can follow you as my Lord. Amen
Year End Celebrations at Theewaterskloof Dam
On 2rd Dec, ONEWAY celebrated a year end function at Theewaterkloof Dam. We were blessed to have 2 days of total relaxation, connecting with each other. We are reminded of Gods goodness in the blessings shown to us by people who love ONEWAY Sober Living & promote a life of recovery & sobriety.
Activities of swimming, braaiing, playing guitar, playing cards, tanning, skiing, fishing, were enjoyed thoroughly by all. There were many laughs, lots of life experiences shared, & real talent shown by the gents on this getaway.
Members of the community want to give to ONEWAY in ways that they are able. We are truly grateful & feel loved by these gestures, it promotes healing in so many ways.
A big Thank you from ONEWAY Sober Living Home

Above: ONEWAY Sober Living Home SnapScan
Do you have a heart to help people, but don’t have a clue where to start?
ONEWAY are looking for large donations, funds, goods to equip us to help many families stuck in the cycle of addiction. As a public benefits organisation we can offer SA companies Tax certificates to claim back from SARS. ONEWAY understands the walk of addiction & all the complications the whole family experience. Help us help those who cannot help themselves as we strive to play a huge role in the Secondary care of addiction recovery.
Help us make our goals a reality to open a womens secondary care facility, a shelter, a rehabilitation & an out-patient program in Table View.
If you’re affected by the cycle of addicition pop into one of our meetings.
Last HOPE meeting, View Church Table View, cnr Wood Dr & Blouberg Rd, takes place on the 19th December & re-opens on the 9th January 2023.

Addiction Victorious – St Matthews Church, Janssens Road Table View
NEW ADDICTION MEETING – taking place at the NG Kerk Grey Str, Table View (near Table View High School) rolling out the Exodus Project facilitated by Darren and Bronwyn Whitticomb. Contact 0845554449 for more queries.